DOTLAN EveMaps gets 2 years

July 22nd, 2010

It’s official: DOTLAN EveMaps is now having its 2nd birthday (starting from the official announcement in the CAOD forum section).

I’m not sure what I should really say but the last 2+ years has been a blast in aspects. Started in the beginning of 2008 and announced it only with a full handset of maps, it has become one of the biggest resources in Eve Online/New Eden’s History. Combined with the powerful toolset all around your favorite online game (Internet spaceships are serious business!).

If you like to support DOTLAN EveMaps: check out the Donate page where you can find informations on how to make me happy, expecially birthday presents are always welcome πŸ™‚

You can also check the happy birthday thread in the official forum – CAOD

Open Teamspeak Party:

If you wanna come along to say hi, thank you or just wanna just chat with us and our friends just come along. I’ll open teamspeak on thursday evening when I get back from work (around 5pm eve time).

Teamspeak3: <teamspeak party is over>


The last 2 years have gained you a lot of features: Here’s a short list of what the one-man-show has brought to light:

  • 2008.07.22: Initial release: just maps with their sovereignty status and one combined map of providence/catch
  • 2008.09.04: Region/System listing, Alliance Ranking, Sovereignty History, System Details, Outposts, Search function
  • 2008.10.24: Jumps/Kills. Alliance/Corp History, Alliance changes
  • 2008.11.12: Added a blog for more updates
  • 2009.02.02: Initial release of the moon mineral database
  • 2009.02.13: Band of Brothers got disbanded and everbody was rushing over their former land. Everybody was looking on DOTLAN EveMaps first when it happened. 400% increase in visitors.
  • 2009.02.17: Historical sovereignty maps
  • 2009.02.23: Cooperation with EVSCO to show kills in the last 24h in one particular system
  • 2009.03.28: Created an Intel manager for the old systems including sovereignty forecast (now decrepted)
  • 2009.06.12: Brand new navigation tools (Jumpplaner, Jumprange, Routerplaner), Universe Map
  • 2009.07.28: Colorized Map Overlay
  • 2009.12.01: DOTLAN Dominion Edition: Complete converted database, constant stream of sovereignty, faction warfare, outpost and alliance updates, zoomable maps, new IGB Integration, complete new background daemons
  • 2009.12.05: Sovereignty structure changes
  • 2009.12.07: CCP disables the sovereigntyStatus API (structures) *lol*
  • 2010.01.26: Jump Portal/Black Ops Fuel Calculator
  • 2010.06.05: Summer update: Live Ticker, RSS Feed Support, Full alliance/corporation changes down to ceo/description level, Planet stuff, added more info’s through client cache files (complexes, landmarks)
  • 2010.07.12: Switching to CCP’s image server for the source of corporation and alliance logos

What do other people thing about DOTLAN EveMaps:


DOTLAN EveMaps have always been my #1 stop to watch keep an eye on the potential locations of my future 0.0 cottage and wouldn’t have been as easy without it πŸ™‚
Congrats and hope to see its continuous providance of great information!

Winterblink, Warp Drive Active Podcast

DOTLAN EveMaps is one of those shining examples of one person in the EVE community using both time and brain to create something awesome. It’s a one stop shop for the swirling mass of data which CCP externalizes, but put into a form that’s both easy to digest and totally useful. The more I play around with it, the more features I find that I didn’t realize were there before, and the more I end up using the service to mine the data it contains.

Dierdra Vaal, Director of the Eve University, CSM Member

I’ve been amazed at the way the DOTLAN EveMaps have evolved and grown. They were heavily used within Eve Uni for wormholes, and many of our FCs use the region maps. I think the DOTLAN EveMaps are the most complete eve-maps out there πŸ™‚

Verite Rendition, Influcence Map

To me DOTLAN has become the defacto system and alliance tracker. It does something that wasn’t easy to do before: keeping a history of who holds what system, and being able to track the history and member corps of an alliance. In that respect alone it’s made it much easier to analyze the politcal situation of the game – you can’t talk politics without DOTLAN to provide the background.

More recently your additions to planet and moon contents have been quite helpful. Our corp members have been using to plan which planets to set up on for PI, and the moon list is always handy for figuring out who’s sitting on a juicy moon and should be relieved of it.

On a personal level of course, I owe you a great deal of thanks for your database backend. With CCP’s lackluster sovereignty API, it would be nearly impossible for me to continue offering my map without DOTLAN’s additional strategic index data. DOTLAN is not just a useful service in and of itself, but an excellent backend for building further services.

There was once a time where I played EVE without DOTLAN; I can’t say I’d like to return to such a time.

Mynxee, Noir., CSM 5 Chairwomon

I’m happy to provide a testimonial because you provide an awesome tool that I use frequently! I especially like the navigation features both for planning roams and capital jumps. I love the drag’n’drop feature for sorting waypoints; excellent search functionality; and wide variety of useful interactive information you provide. Thanks for a truly elegant tool…happy birthday and here’s to more years of success!

Tomcat, Leader of Wildy Inapproriate.

Truth be, ever since I found DOTLAN EveMaps I never used another map or jump planner related to eve. It was the best and still is the best one out there. When the POS manager feature was working it was also a fantastic and ground breaking thing until the chanced the way SOV worked. Simply put, When WI needed to know where to go to fail, we used DOTLAN EveMaps.

The Mittani, Goonswarm, Spy Master

DOTLAN is an invaluable strategic resource, I use it on a daily basis. Whether it’s plotting jump routes or finding an enemy’s achilles heel, this site does it all.

Vuk Lau, Leader of Morsus Mihi, CSM Member

DOTLAN is indispensable part of my daily EVE routine. Whatever information you need – you can find it on DOTLAN. If there wasn’t DOTLAN would be my homepage.
Awesome work Wollari, and Happy Birthday from Morsus Mihi

Verone, Veto Corp, CEO & Executor

DOTLAN EveMaps has become the number one stop for our corporation to keep up to date with sovereignty changes and track hostile alliances, their development and their influence. It’s also become our first source of intelligence and one of our primary tools for planning operations and keeping a close eye on how our sphere of operations is changing around us due to the fully dynamic and constantly updating mapping system and alliance tracking.

Couple that with more recent additions, such as the jump planner and factional warfare tools, and all around DOTLAN offers a lot of features that no other provider can bundle together so seamlessly into one package.

Congratulations on two years, I hope to continue using DOTLAN for our intelligence and logistics planning for many more.

Seleene, CEO Body Count Inc., former CCP Game Designer (Abathur)

Of all the player initiatives to emerge from the EVE Online community, the DOTLAN EveMaps site stands as one of the most well done, informative and useful.Β  Whether you are an alliance leader, a capital fleet commander or just a guy looking for some corp or alliance historical data, no other site provides the depth of information in one place.

Perhaps the best example of this I can give is when I was still working for CCP, I used DOTLAN more often than I did other informational tools to answer questions related to sovereignty and alliances.Β  On one occasion, when we were looking at how the new sov system would feed the API, I showed a room full of people several statistics.Β  When asked how I had gotten the information so fast and complete, I switched over to the browser and pulled up the DOTLAN website as an example of how players were already using the API.Β  β€œThis is a PLAYER-made website??”

Wollari himself is an awesome guy whom I was proud to meet and shake hands with at the last FanFest.Β  Happy Birthday and never stop making things better!

13 Responses to “DOTLAN EveMaps gets 2 years”

  1. Jebidis Skari, Leader Of Retribution. says:

    I have to say I remember using DOTLAN right from the start and thought meh not as good as ombeve 2d maps, which at the time was pretty cool. But DOTLAN as made giant leaps in functionality and it is THE ONLY resource I use, because it tells me everything and more.
    I would be nice to have a sov map that shows real sov not influencial sov like verites does (even tho that still is the only used map) However DOTLAN has so much to offer its crazy and im looking forward to more additions, at the moment no one can touch it.

  2. Hardmetall says:

    big thx all dotlan team. thx ppl for you job

  3. Max Torps says:

    Happy Birthday Dotlan and a big thank you to Wollari for creating this awesome site.

  4. Ysharros says:

    Happy birthday indeed. Marvellous site all round!

  5. ToxicAid says:

    Happy Birthday! Great Job in the past 2 Years. You spend a lot of time and we all want to thank the developers for that really wonderful work!

    Three cheers to you and for the work that comes in the future.

  6. Trypho says:

    Congratulations, this site has been a great asset to the EVE community!

  7. Fire Elf says:

    Damn, Dotlan have saved me alot of painfull hours hauling.. and moon searching keep it up guys! !!

  8. DeBingJos says:


    Keep up the good work! I use them on a daily basis.

  9. Namelessness says:

    Kudos Gents, you simply ROCK!!

  10. Happy birthday Evemaps πŸ˜€

    Thank you so much Wollari for this great tool!

  11. NIHIL says:

    many many happy birthdays!!!
    long live dotlan!!!

  12. Macabre Devil says:

    the cake is a lie

  13. manasi says:

    Happy Birthday Wollari! Gratz on EVEMAPS 2nd birthday!

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