Radar update

August 18th, 2010

Just a quick update: The Radar page (only usable in the InGame browser) will now reload if you change your current system. This has been done with a regular ajax call in the background every 20 seconds (interval may change in the future). Maybe I’ll have an additional idea about the radar page. More to come later.

Suggestion to CCP

CCP still hasn’t delivered a javascript hook where we could register functions that will be executed on a session change. We discussed about this and suggested it in the IGB round table last fanfest. I know that there’s no feedback system from the EveClient to the browser engine but as you’re delivering the IGB Headers the Browser should be able to detect a “sessionchange” and call previously registered callbacks. If there’s a chance that one of your developer gets some time this is what I would suggest. I know there’re a lot of things in the backlog, but I bet this is one of the most features IGB 3rd party developer are asking for.

# similar to the javascript event system
CCPEVE.addEvent(event, callback);
CCPEVE.removeEvent(event, callback);


CCPEVE.addEvent('sessionchange', function() {

This would be the easiest form of reload event and if you’ve any future events, it’s easily extendable.

One Response to “Radar update”

  1. Shame that they removed the on session change feature. It used to be a header that you delivered to the game client. It was extremely useful.

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