Fanpage Report 2010

August 27th, 2010

After the last birthday post and the ever growing stream of visitors and users I thought it would make sense summarize the development and numbers from the past 2 years. So I did … the outcome? A 40 pages long presentation aka the “DOTLAN EveMaps Fanpage Report 2010“.

Last weekend I had the chance to get a meeting with some CCP Devs at the GamesCom exhibition in cologne to give them a bit insight and feedback about my evemaps project and how ingame events (delve: bob + goons) are having impact on fanpages.

I still have the opinion that fanpages and 3rd party applications have a huge impact on the so called “EVE Experience“. EVE wouldn’t be the same without all those little helpers and the community behind them. I hope that this message and the need to support API and the 3rd party devs will reach the right people.

I think there’s no reason to not show this information to you all! Enjoy it!

DOTLAN EveMaps – Fanpage Report 2010

Server maintenance yesterday:

P.S. Even after the server maintenance yesterday and the reinstallation of the XEN dom0 I’m still having stability problem of the hosted guests when assigning more then 1 vcpu. But I think I should write another post about this topic in general.

One Response to “Fanpage Report 2010”

  1. manasi says:

    What an invaluable resource you have here bro. I cloud not do my job ( within my alliance) without it..Simply one of the most important pages I use every day.

    Keep up the excellent work!

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