Hardware upgrade complete

April 30th, 2011

First startup tests of the new server

Today was the big day. After waiting a couple weeks and days that every single piece of my hardware got delivered I finally found the time to install it in the datacenter. Atm everything is running smooth *fingers crossed*. The new hardware has some shiny features for me as admin: iKVM (remote management board, remote console redirection, etc) which will make my life a lot easier on upgrades etc.

Server Specs:

  • CPU: Intel Xeon E5620 (i7 Quadcore 2.4GHz) + Intel Thermal Solution STS100C (heatsink)
  • Mainboard: SuperMicro X8DTL-iF
  • RAM: 24GB  / 3x 8GB Kingston Registered ECC DDR3 1333 MHz (I’ve 4 but only 3 are currently useable)
  • HDD: 2x 250gb + 2x 1TB
  • CHASSIS: Chenbro RM217

But as usual, you only learn from your mistakes: After setting up the server with only one CPU (cause I bought only one) it looks like that the CPU only utilize the memory on his bank … Until I buy a 2nd CPU I’ve only 24GB of RAM available instead of 32GB (maybe I should have set a higher goal for the donation raise) … well … It’s still a lot more then before and evemaps is only one virtual server running on it.

Apart from that I’ll keep my eyes closely on my monitoring tools (opennms atm) and the systems stats (munin) to keep track of any strange activity. As usual, there’s more to do in the future: Server/Database tuning, Upgrading from Debian Lenny to Debian Squeeze, developing updates and of course new features if I actually find some time.

Thanks to all who have donated so far. You’re an awesome community.

4 Responses to “Hardware upgrade complete”

  1. Karbowiak says:

    Sexy machine, just need a 2nd CPU and its basically the same stuff we are using at EVE-KILL 😀

    Congrats on the new hardware upgrade! a faster dotlan is always awesome <3

  2. Squizz Caphinator says:

    I just hope you don’t leave it on the floor! Congrats on the new hardware 🙂

  3. Iosue says:

    You’re welcome. but in reality, the thanks goes to you. We appreciate Dotlan and all the work you put into it. 🙂

  4. Opiboble Inte says:

    Sweet! Thanks for all the hard work you put into Dotlan/evemaps I love this tool! Great work and thanks again!

    -Opiboble out.

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