After some couple days preparing the database and testing the first results the integration into DOTLAN EveMaps is finally done. Some minor tweaks and graphs will follow someday, but the biggest thing (keeping track for all district changes and visualize them is completed.
What has changed?
- I removed the Home button in the top navigation to make some space for the new Districts button on the right. You can still click on the big DOTLAN logo or just use the universe page if you want to select a specific map
- A Background Daemon is collecting all the data provided by CCP’s new and first CREST Endpoint.
- I’m tracking: Ownership, Clones, CloneRate, CloneCapacity, CloneGenerationState, ReinforceState, AttackedState, LockedState, Surface Infrastructure Type
- All detected changes will be logged, stored and available in the live ticker (also as RSS Feed)
What pages are new?
- Regional District Listings + their states (currently there’s only one region filled with districts. Likely more in the future)
- Top Alliance/Corp District holder (sorted by complete System, complete Planets, District Counts)
- Changes listings
- System > Districts > Details
- Alliance: list of districts their own
- Corporation: list of districts their own
- Region: Molden Heath
- Top Alliances / Top Corporations
- Recent Ownership Changes
- Daily Changes
- Live Ticker
Please bear with me: I’ve never played DUST514 (yet) so I hope I got everything interpreted right and that my data visualization makes sense. Feel free to drop me some feedback or a donation below 🙂 I just hope that after releasing my DUST Integration CCP won’t pull back and remove everything again like it happend one week after the Dominion Release with the SovereigntyStatus API
Hope you enjoy the DUST514/Districts Integration:
I’d really like to be able to see a list of all battles that are scheduled to take place. Is this something you could add?
Well i think it should be able to get them. Let me look. If i’m just taking the Districts with the attack flag and sort them by the nextReinforce Timer
Right now you can already get this
1) Click twice on the Attack Column to sort it (so that the attacked systems comes first
2) Hold down SHIFT and press once on the RF Timer Column (then theyre sortes by nextReinforce Timestamp
Do you mean something like this?
Yes, it’s perfect. Can you also add the name of the corporation that attacks the district?
Thanks. No I can’t add more information about the attacker cause this information is not part of the CREST API Data.
Like that ?
These (site you linked) don’t contain not the “attacker” information. This are ownership changes that happend after a successful assault, which are something different compared with what you asked before.
If you look at the changes list you’ll see who lost a district and who gained in the same moment. I just make two events out of the ownership change.
you even can get this through the live ticker,Lost
I can change the text in the live ticket and include the previous owner if needed. But personally i prefer the changes list where you clearly see what changed.
Ok thanks 🙂
I just fixed a bug where not all losses have been shown in the changes listing. So check it out.
i apprecciate the vast amount of information you post on this site. Something my own members can take a look at whenever they have they free time. I run the corporations called Pawns and Kings, Including Hollowed Kings. And just seeing the alliance we were just in a few days ago called Superpowers diminish withing 2 days was nice to see. I was responsible for the defect, and seeing the info info on the alliance’s destruction was cool. Hollowed Kings is also working hard on getting an adequate amount of PC training and experience by taking down several districts like S.A.C. Thanks again, and good luck o7…
oh yea, if you need information on how The superpowers alliance ceased to exist, just contact Merci Remnant in Dust 514 via Dust itself or EVE. Ill be happy to deliver the information if any may find it usefull or amusing.
[…] districts in Planetary Conquest. You can read all about this newest addition to their site here, and you can check out the new pages […]