Switch to zKillboard

February 13th, 2014

5 years ago that I’ve integrated killmails from eve-kill.net into DOTLAN EveMaps. With the recent development that Karbowiak, Squizz and others from the Team EVSCO have put into their next-generation killboard zKillboard it was only a matter of time until I should switch to the better and more flexible API.

zKillboard Integration

After a short examination I had some ideas that would fit perfectly into the theme and would make the integration more useful. Their new API allows me to walk more deeply through zKillboard’s whole database. Therefore the display isn’t limited anymore to the last 48h as it was before. You now get “endless scrolling”: You can now scroll down as far as you want, you even can select a specific date where you wanna start look at killmails of the selected system, alliance or corporation. For more details you can always hop over to zKillboard to get the full coverage for your favorite battle.

And with the new announced killmail cREST endpoint this all sounds very promising.


7 Responses to “Switch to zKillboard”

  1. Mancetti says:

    hate this crap killboard . . why :-((

  2. mo8b8 says:


    well zkillboard might has a better performance.

    But the look of it feels like hello kitty online it is hard to switch from a clear smart layout(dotlan) to that.

    • Wollari says:

      Well afaik they still search someone how can help them with creating themes of zKillboard. It’s just that most people are used to the old EDK layout afaik.

      In the end it’s just a killboard and mostly hard core people have either their personal killboard or are bound to the alliance killboard.

      And zkillboard and eve-kill share incoming (api) mails via a STOMP push service (Which everybody can subscribe to. So you won’t lose anything important. With more killmails beeing more public nowadays and the new Crest API Endpoint it’s more important have support a killboard that is getting updated.

  3. Anonymouse says:

    It’s just different, that’s all. Personally I like zKillboard and if it expands Dotlan’s capabilities, so much the better. 🙂

    I don’t know if it would be possible to let people select which website they wanted to pull kills from, but maybe that would be a solution for these guys who got used to another website? (Maybe a toggle at the top? Would also let you incorporate others in the future without disrupting the other ones, perhaps…)

    • Wollari says:

      Thank you. Yes, the better API allows me to have a better and fluid integration (endless scrolling, multiple requests to get data better filtered).

      Regarding the links, IMO it makes only sense to pull from one source so I’ve consistent stuff and linking the same kills to multiple different killmails would confuse it even more.

      I personally see the killmail listing just as a nice-to-have-service and not essential. I mean when something big happens, people either choose their preferred killboard of their choice or get there through the big news/blog sites to visit some funny kill or loss mails.

  4. Mancetti says:

    Zkillboard isn’t the thema or the color,it’s just messy and need double times to get the info what i want from a KB.
    As i see Dotlan as a very good Info site i don’t understand why you take zkill only why ppl can scroll down few days (if they want those info they can always got to this crap ZKB).
    For me personally I will now use DOTLAN correspondingly fewer as in the past times.


    • Wollari says:

      I’ve just asked if evsco can provide me a link where I can link to kills using the api killid. Then I would be able to give you a context menu with killboard links of your choice. Technically it would be possible, but the eve-kill team would like to get more people to use zkillboard.

      Right now maintaining the old EDK based killboard, importing/syncing the static database every now and keep the database running seems to be the pain in the a… So it’s only a matter of time until they give up and stop providing the eve-kill.net service and completely migrate over to zKB. I guess we’ll hear from them soon.

      Especially with the new Crest API Killmail Endpoint. This is 100% a feature which won’t be added to eve-kill.net that’s for sure. So eve-kill.net is basically a dying page.

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