Standing Overlay

February 21st, 2014

Some of you may have already stumpled across this feature (in fact it’s already online for 7 month). You can overlay your current ingame standings on the you all your favorite online maps.


Standing Overlay

How does it work? 

If you’ve a API Key added to your user profile, you can select one character which standings (alliance + corp + personal) are getting used to be shown on the map like in the example image above. Your standings (of the selected char) are getting updated once every 24h as long you’ve been logged in on DOTLAN EveMaps during the last 7 days. Otherwise you can manually request an update on the standings page.

P.S.: I’ll try to introduce you to a couple features that have been added over the time but never got mentioned in the blog as an announcement.

One Response to “Standing Overlay”

  1. StoVoKor says:

    Outstanding! TY very much 🙂

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