Aegis Sovereignty Part 2

July 20th, 2015

aegis-tcuNearly a week ago I published the first integration of the Aegis sovereignty changes into DOTLAN EveMaps. Basically every evening/night in the last days I kept improving things, fixed bugs or added more details. I even had to replay (reprocess) some of the crest request from the archive to fix data that I broke with some sql queries (since freeport stations are not part of the sovereignty structures crest list, even they’re sovereignty structures ingame. Purely relying on the crest result in this case can be tricky).

In the last post I’ve started a list about things that I wanted to add as additional features at some point in the future … Some of the wishlist items have already been seen light:

New features:

  • Campaign Details
    • You get access to campaign details. This way you can see when this event has been triggered (at least when background jobs stumbled over this event).
    • Campaign details contain a chart of the defender score over time or a graph for each entity during a freeport campaign.
    • Additionally you a listing that reports all the naked score numbers, when exactly the score changed  or when a new entity joined the party.
  • Campaigns Listing
    • The sovereignty campaign listing is now the “frontpage” of the sovereignty section: I think this one is more interesting then the system that actually flipped after a successful campaign. This change is now part of eve’s history and no longer that important, while upcoming and active campaigns are the hot topics and entry points if you want to look for fights and action.
    • The sovereignty campaign listing has now a region filter so you easier keep an overview of you area.
    • The trend indicator icon or the arrow will bring you to the details page.
  • Structure Listing
    • The trend indicator icon or the arrow will bring you to the details page.
  • Freeports
    • The sovereignty section has now a special page dedicated to active freeports. If you ever want to checkout where you wanna place your market alts in the future: Those stations’re opened for the public 🙂
  • Map
    • The map view got updated. Upcoming campaigns currently have a orange glow and active campaigns a red glow. Since multiple events (glow) in the same system are stacked on top of each other, the glow will look thicker.
    • The system overlay has now additional data to show:
      • Activity Defense Multiplier
        • Only the highest multiplier will be shown
        • Keep in mind, due to the fact that station/tcu can be owned by different parties they can have different multiplier applied. Look into the structure listing or system overview to get the exact numbers.
      • Sovereignty Structures
        • The color: number of strctures (0-3)
        • The text: T + I + S == TCU + IHUB + Station
      • Next Campaign Timer (shows the next upcoming timer for this system)
      • Vulnerability Window: the color indicates the status, the text when the next window starts.
  • Navigation / Range
    • You can now filter your range result based on sovereignty status. Like “vulnerable now” or “system has a campaign”. This might be interesting for groups looking for a fight withing their range of operation.

New Ideas / Todo List:

  • Make the sovereignty campaign region filter a multiselect filter and save this selection in your client. So you can filter out events that happen on the other end of new eden.
  • I’ll likely ditch the active/upcoming/all filter and a date selector so you can scroll back in time and get access to pasted events. (But I’ll monitor the current campaigns and see what they do with campaigns that haven’t changed in the last 5 days or so … not sure)
  • I’m also thinking about combining the Changes and Changes (per day) view to reduce the toolbar icons in the sovereignty section and free up space. Maybe for a dedicated campaign history? How knows
  • Add historical campaigns available on the solarsystem and alliance page.
  • The campaign details chart is currently limited to one hour time ticks even the data density is far smaller. Maybe I’ll look it and create more detailed graphs or into replacing the charts within something more flexible. But that’s more like a future topic.
  • Make sovereignty campaigns available in the live-ticker/events/rss module.
  • Adjust the Map > Rightclick > Jumprange context menu to make use of filters as well. Apart from the fact that only 3 jump range types exists. Capital, BlackOps, JumpFreighter.


One Response to “Aegis Sovereignty Part 2”

  1. Serpentine Logic says:

    RSS feeds for campaigns, filterable by region/alliance?

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