Set your destination!

May 12th, 2018

After the ESI migration has been achieved and a few bugs have been stepped on, I started playing around with the authenticated ESI calls and what should I say: the first functionality of the old ingame browser has been restored. Set your destination and add additional waypoints as you like.

I’ve created a few screenshots to explain how the process works (but I guess most of you will find it out anyway):

  1. You need to have a registered user with a linked eve online character. If you haven’t registered yet, just login with Eve Online SSO and you’re nearly ready to go.
  2. Now you can authorize EveMaps with the needed ESI Scopes (so the page is able to send commands on behalf to eve). You can select what kind of access you wanna allow EveMaps to gain or change your authorized scopes or revoke them depending on your needs.
  3. To set destination you can right click any system on a map or hit the little blue  info icon to get the context menu on any other page. For alliances, corporations or characters you can let the info window appear ingame.


3 Responses to “Set your destination!”

  1. Ezio says:

    This is amazing, great work man, thx a lot from everyone in the community ! dotlan is the most useful tool out there

    one thing that dotlan is missing: on the detail of a system, when clicking on “locations”, it shows the “nearest” 0.0, hs, ls, outpost etc… could you add how many jumps that system is from the tradehubs:

    would rock our world

    thx again for this tool mate

  2. Blinjay says:

    Absolutely incredible

  3. Kalaik says:

    awesome! Would it possible to show route from character currentloction to destination using the ESI read writes? aswell ?

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