10 years EveMaps

July 22nd, 2018

Without going to much into the historical details or timeline: I can proudly announce that DOTLAN EveMaps has reached a major milestone and is providing a well known and respected service to all players of New Eden for 10 years now!

I can honestly say that the Eve Online community is one of the best communities I’ve ever been part of. From the gameplay itself, 5 awesome fanfests I’ve attended, the feedback of thousands pilots to the support of the community when I’ve upgraded my hardware and the donations I receive from time to time. But the best thing is the friendships that has been build. Friendship is the best ship 🙂 Nothing comes closer!

When friends or colleagues ask me what EveMaps is all about I mostly describe it as “The Google Maps for Eve Online enriched with live data directly from the game” and I don’t think that this description isn’t to far from the reality or what do you think?

So, what’s your favorite story about DOTLAN EveMaps? Mine is still the day when Band of Brothers died/disbanded while I was sitting in the train and checking with my mobile if my server could keep up with all the twitter messages that appeared around it. Let me hear your favorite story!

A big thanks to the best eve online community ever for the last 10 years, my family, personal friends and colleagues that helped my building and running it. Let’s see where the journey will take us to.

P.S. To the german players: The pilots of the New Eden Podcast have recorded a interview with me. Happy listening.

17 Responses to “10 years EveMaps”

  1. ArtJay says:

    No one particular story jumps to mind, but there is nothing more satisfying than finding out what colour my sov is going to be when the first TCU goes down in a region. Dotlan is without a shadow of a doubt the website I have visited the most of over the last 9 or so years of playing eve and has directly contributed to so much of the content I do in game.

    Thank you for your efforts, I hope there is another 10 years!

  2. Luzyf says:

    The time when you could use Dotlan ingame and check systems and have it track your route.

    • Wollari says:

      The return of the radar feature is on my todo list. Once I get my feet’s back to ground (work projects) I’ll look into it using esi

      • eXeler0n says:

        As I heared in podcast you love history data.
        May you could do a tracker that stores the places you were and the route.

        So users can go back in time and see what places they’ve visited.

      • Luzyf says:

        Very nice. Looking forward to this. This feature was always really helpful in keeping track of where you are, where you go and how many jumps you’ve done.

  3. […] Wollari, 10 Years of EVE Maps […]

  4. Dat BOI phil ricker says:

    Dis one time boi we were finna blops on a vni and had to figure dat bridge range dawg. Dat waz not ez and we were high af on dat purp-loud nah sayin lmfao. We saw dat it waz fa sho in range and we kilt dat dam vni lol he was so bad and afk dawg. I luv dot-lan and I fuks with it till da end my homie. Keep up da work my bruh.

  5. Wongdai says:

    What an amazing achievement!

    Well done you and thanks for the great website.

    Wongdai (ISF)

  6. Banlish says:

    Even after I stopped playing EVE for the last 3 years I still have dotlan bookmarked and come back to ‘check up’ on the 0.0 political situation of the game. Watching wars unfold, who’s ratting like crazy (omg Delve), where corps go, new alliances (you guys in drone lands are kicking ass) and seeing old alliances finally give up the ghost and disband. Dotlan is an amazing resource and I wish there way a way to see all the Citadels ingame (besides subbing and going there) like where all the keepstars are, and what Citadels are effecting each system like the old outposts used to.
    I’d love to be able to keep all the info on Dotlan without having to screen shot each page for the inevitable day all the old outposts are fully taken down and sold/blown to bits. Dotlan was ALWAYS up on the 3rd or 4th monitor when playing EVE for 7 years, when I wrote the outpost updates back in the day I used them extensively to form my articles. Thank you for such a good resource and I only hope you can add more data inputs to it without making the job of cloaky people easier (like adding mining levels to systems) great work for all these years, Cheers!

  7. Relomd;e says:

    I’d like to thank DotLan for being the go to source for information in Eve for so long. I’ve watched the game through the lens of Eve DotLan for a number of years now. My more recent recollections are my fondest. I had the opportunity to plant TCUs for an alliance as we took control of Immensea a couple years back. During the birth of the ICON alliance DotLan played an important role as we took control of the area. Whether its been to plan the safest jump route or a morning briefing on who got wrecked last night ….dotlan has been invaluable in understanding Eve.

    Thank you and here’s to another 10 years with you.

  8. StarRanger says:

    10 YEARS!!!! Congrats and thanks for all the hard work you guys have put in this service. I spend checking this site sometimes daily to see how some overseas wars are progressing (last was Providence I kept on checking to see how that went, CVA loosing and gaining their region back).

    Hope to see some kind of update for the old stations that have turned into faction citadels, I’m guessing it going to be hard to update all the null sec systems that used to had stations in them and are gone forever now 😀

    Anyway, cheers and let’s do another 10 years!! 😉

  9. Verite Rendition says:

    Wow how the time flies. Congrats on 10 years, Wollari, and thank you for all the awesome work you’ve done over all this time.

  10. StarFleetCommander says:


    I never do these things but dotlan is the most useful and helpful tool anyone has ever made for eve, congrats on the 10 years. If we ever met IRL ill buy you a drink.


  11. Sered says:

    I’m late to this party, but congrats on the milestone! I can’t imagine playing Eve without Dotlan. I’m one of those players who sometimes accidentally ends up on dotlan when he really intended to go to Google Maps..

    Cheers and thanks for providing this service!

  12. Drindan Trae says:

    Back in the day, before I had 2 screens, I printed EVERY SINGLE Dotlan map on a color printer at work on marvelous 17″ X 22″ paper. Probably cost my company $100, and i only ever visited 6-8 systems, but I had them all, but god!

    Thanks, Dotlan!

  13. Serenety Steel says:

    Congratulations on 10 years!!
    I have been using this for at least 8 out of my 9 years in Eve, THE most useful tool for Eve that has ever been available. Thanks for all the hard work and may Evemaps be running for another 10 years!

    Serenety Steel

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