Updated Asset Viewer

February 15th, 2012

After CCP released a new API with the latest patch (the Location API) I found some time to enhance the already existing Asset Viewer to make use of the new features. After some research and tests here’s what the new Location API provides:

  • Coordinates of the items in space. With the XZY coordinates you can calculate if the item is in proximity to a bigger celestial and group things together (example: everything which is within 200.000km of a moon/planet)
  • The itemName (that’s how you named your ship, can, container, etc)

The Location API even provides you the data for items that are stored in a station (of course with the XYZ coordinates of the station). This is the last bit of information you all waited for. Having your AssetList under your fingertips (out-of-game) and to find out in which of the 100 Station Container your T3 BPO (joking) is buried.

But just having the Asset Viewer for your personal items would be boring and mostly useless. The last 2 screenshots contain some information about how this would look like if you would use this system for your corporation. But that’s a different story for a different day *hint* 🙂

3 Responses to “Updated Asset Viewer”

  1. Icy One says:

    Great update.

    Would be great if you could search/view assets for all characters at once.

    • Wollari says:

      Sure, atm I guess this would create conflicts in the tree. The asset trees are currently saved per owner. Mixing multiple trees together could be problematic. Haven’t checked this deeper yet tbh.

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