Jump Bridge Planning

May 15th, 2012

From a comment today:

Request for Feature:
Could you make it possible to selectively disable system ownership and sov level checking for creating jump bridge networks?

We’re trying to model proposed networks across a coalition, and the inability to put in invalid links is proving to be an obstacle. The whole point is we model the network as it should be and then we transfer the space around to make it happen.

It would be nice if instead we could create bridge networks “blind” to sov ownership and sov level.

Just a quick note. Done.

You can now add jump bridge connections to your bridge network even if they’re make no sense (different owner/wrong sov level). This is for planning only of course. Keep in mind that if you use the route planer with your new bridge network selected only valid bridges will be taken into calculation.

P.S. I’ve also added additional check so you’ll only be allowed to add one bridge per system. This is to be compliant with the ingame rules. It would make no sense to plan more bridges in a system if it’s not possible ingame.

5 Responses to “Jump Bridge Planning”

  1. Icy One says:

    If you want to revisit the Asset Viewer too then I have a suggestion following on from my comment to: https://map.eve-rr.com/blog/2012/02/15/updated-asset-viewer/

    I assume no solution has been found to displaying multiple character assets, would you instead be able to keep the search text and category selection when switching characters? If so will speed up the next time I remember buying something on some character and losing it…


  2. Icy One says:

    Is is possible on the Jump Bridge Network Import section to have an option to overwrite all current bridges when importing. Or the option to delete all bridges?


  3. Icy One says:

    Yet another suggestion 🙂

    After using this for a little while it does add a few clicks. An alternative could be to add a checkbox called something like ‘Replace All’ next to the import button which when submitted would use the same prompt as the ‘Reset’ button but apply the changes if Yes is clicked.

    So process would be paste bridges, tick replace box, click import, click Yes to overwrite then done.

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