IE/Flash Support

February 22nd, 2009

Sorry for some short outages today, but i was implementing Flash Support for the Internet Explorer users who don’t have the Adobe SVG Plugin installed. Internet Explorer Users now will see the flash version of a map with nearly all features. Only the information overlay is missing (where you can select info like npc kills, etc).

All other Browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc, expect IE Version) should display the SVG version of the map.

I hope the small minority of IE users will be happy now 🙂

2 Responses to “IE/Flash Support”

  1. Liquid5n0w says:

    Looks like firefox SVG support is broken atm, but the IE support is working fine?

    • Wollari says:

      It works for me. Would be nice if you could tell me which map doesnt load, or if it is everything. Do you see a javascript error (or anything)?

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