Cooperation with EVSCO

February 23rd, 2009

Deep in the night we came up with the idea to add a significant feature to my map page. Wouldn’t it be great to see who’s fighting in that unknown system which just showed up as the most violent for the last 3 hours? Without any knowledge about political conflicts or skirmishes.

Last night i was speaking with Beansman and Karbowiak from the EVSCO Killboard. Those guys are running a fast growing killboard hosting service on the backbone of a shared database for all killmails. With several big alliances hosted on their shared killboard (like Triumvirate., Intrepid Crossing and many others) plus the feed synchronization with many others big alliances (NC, TCF etc), the killboard database gives you a good overview what’s going on in some parts of New Eden.

The result of that night is just gorgeous:

You can now see the recent ship/pod kills of a system in the last 48 hours directly on the statistical page of each system. The kills will get loaded live via Ajax, processed and displayed if anything got found. I think that’s s a good start and a great pleasure to work with those guys.

Recent Shipkills in BQ0-UU

Recent Shipkills in BQ0-UU

If you want to make sure that your victorys are also displayed live on my page, check pricings for their hosting service or just link your killboard feed to the EVSCO database if you’re happy with your  own killboard and only wanna share killmails with the rest of the Eve Community.

6 Responses to “Cooperation with EVSCO”

  1. Karbowiak says:

    Anyone who would like to sign up at us, or just adds their feed – we applaud you, and will extend our greatest love to you <3..

    Oh and, epic work Wollari, always been a huge fan of your maps 🙂
    Now lets see what else we can do! ;D

  2. Altaree says:

    You have made a WONDERFUL tool here! Grats! Is there anyway you can color code the FW maps by faction so that people can easily see who owns what?

    • Wollari says:

      That are the normal faction colors.
      – Blue: Caldari
      – Green: Gallente
      – Yellow: Amaar
      – Red: Minmatar
      – Pink: Contested (See the text below the system name who’s the owner.)

  3. knac says:

    Awesoem job, great props!

    A suggestion to the eve-kill KB (great work too guys), could you somewhat define the major powerblocks so we can check the battles? I know it’s an huge work but it would be the ultimate addition to your allready awesome KB.

  4. Karbowiak says:

    @ knac:
    Im guessing you mean in the kill_related part?.
    Yeah making it split up people into powerblocks, will be a bit.. hard.. 😛

    We had an idea the other day about redoing the whole kill_related on eve-kill, so it’d be nicer to look at, and would try and list people based on corp and alliance – rather than just list them all in a big mess.

    But, its still at the thought only – need to get my hands dirty again soon 🙂

  5. Beansman says:

    If we could only get the standings, or someone to maintain a list of powerblocks (i’m too lazy and people know that).
    Then we could make some sort of standings based battle summary page.
    It _should_ be possible, one way or another.

    Maybe for a starter make 3 columns (blue, neut, red for known, unkown, known parties). And with time move them around after who kill who.

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