There’s a blackout

July 12th, 2019

Some of you might heard about it. CCP Games decided to change the local of nullsec systems into delayed mode. This means it behaves like wormhole space and you don’t know who’s around you until they reveal their presence.

Some sites in the eve online community (like decided to join in and turn their page black during the weekend. After some initial thoughts and after my kids went to bed I decided to join in. But rather then going black completely, I opted to just hide the sovereignty, kills/jumps and system related historical changes from the main page.

This way you can feel the blackout but you don’t lose the ability to navigate into “unknown” 🙂

UPDATE: 13.07.2019

I’ve lifted the blackout for low-/highsec systems. Those systems are not affected by the blackout ingame and shouldn’t be penalized here as well.

Fly safe.

3 Responses to “There’s a blackout”

  1. Bob Kate says:

    Hi Mate,

    I dont see this blackout as a bad thing. I actually always thought it should be “switchable off” if pilot wants to… I used to live in wormhole and spamming dscan was usual thing… It will make catch ratters easier, harder to track fleets, hit and run more effective so plenty of new content. Dont just jump on bandwagon of moarners and complainers…

    Kind regards,

  2. StarRanger says:

    Excellent move, happy to see the EVE community jumps in to make this Black Out even bigger than in EVE itself, kudos!

  3. Bot mainframe says:

    Thanks foe gift o/.Blackout is a great idea. Alive players need to adapt or die. Hardcore players can’t stop it, just make more systems available.

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