Sovereignty API Changes

November 18th, 2009

Everyone is waiting for the release of the upcoming expansions ‘Dominion’ which will revamp the sovereignty system. Tracking and visualizing the current sovereignty and territorial status/changes was and is still one of the major key parts of DOTLAN EveMaps. After waiting weeks to get response from the CCP Devs about upcoming changes and their connections with the API, I can finally say there’s light at the end of the tunnel. We got heard. While CCP Elerhino is preparing his Devblog which should come out in the next days, he and CCP Incognito already answered a few questions on the board and released a few new details.

What are the basic Sovereignty API changes?

  • Sovereignty can change every minute and not just only after downtime. With this the cache timer will get reduced also to around 1h.
  • Sovereignty Levels and Constellation Sovereignty are gone.
  • corporationID will get added to the API to indicate which corporation owns the Territorial Claim Unit/System.
  • There’ll be a new API SovereigntyStatus.xml.aspx which will include SBU, TCU, Outposts, Upgrades? in each system (quote: relevant informations)
  • If the system index levels (strategy/military/industry) are getting added one day is unsure right now.
  • The new APIs won’t be released on day one as they’re lacking behind the Sovereignty Changes.

What does this mean for DOTLAN EveMaps. Which parts are affected by this?

  • Sovereignty can change every minute:
    The complete sovereignty database needs to be converted. Before Dominion, sov only changed once a day during the downtime. In the upcoming EveMaps version you can see sovereignty changes every hour (or even minutes, depending on future API’s changes or caching changes).
  • Sovereignty Levels are gone:
    I’ll likely convert every single system from Sov 4, 3 or 2 to sovereignty 1. I know that after dominion there’ll be no sov levels at all. But keeping the database compatible with the past and the future will a big deal. I don’t really want to lose my historical data. Neither you.
  • Sovereignty Status:
    If it comes true and CCP is releasing the SovereigntyStatus API soon after the dominion release, I’ll start tracking this API too. Right now I can’t really tell what the API will contains: Likely it will contains a list of the Territorial Claim Units (TCU) Sovereignty Blockade Units (SBU), Infrastructure Hubs and Outposts in their current state. That would be a really nice to show which systems are currently under attack/siege/whatever. *Dreaming* If they would add the hub upgrades to the API Export you can watch how your space is developed (or the one of your enemy). That would make it very easy to plan assaults against your enemies infrastructure. But right now we’ve to wait what CCP is including in their API and how long we’ve to wait for this.
  • More APIs, more data, more, more, more

As I’m currently rewriting the whole DOTLAN EveMaps backend programs that keep track of updates, etc, etc. I found various things that I could also track and visualize and even fix.

Additional Changes:

  • Faction warfware systems:
    Sorry for the past, but I never took a bigger look into the faction warfare API. Systems are getting contested and uncontested every few hours (depending on the successful or unsuccessful assaults of the militia). Basically the contested state will get updated very hour (API cache timer).
  • Faction warfare stats:
    Maybe I’ll add them in also in a future release.
  • Alliances changes:
    I’ll also track alliances changes every hour soon. You’ll directly see which corporations are joining/leaving your enemy (failcascades live!) or if CVA or BOB MK3 gets disbanded again.
  • Outpost history:
    Similar to the alliance changes I’ll keep track of outpost stations changes. That includes corporation/alliance ownership (station ping pong) aswell as the funny station renaming battle (Youtube @ 5:07) between Goons and the GMs in 77S8-E. I still have a daily outpost naming history for the last 14 month.

I’m looking forward to for all the upcoming changes. btw. It seems the DOTLAN EveMaps Server is running stable again, apparently it looks like a bad memory configuration during the upgrade at the start of November caused the crashes.

3 Responses to “Sovereignty API Changes”

  1. rantuket says:

    Thanks for the update, I use your site a lot and any work you do for the new patch will be appreciated by 1000’s of us who use your site on a daily basis.

  2. J nx says:

    Great job on the site m8! Using it a lot.

  3. moonsayer says:

    Ditto, this stuff rocks! Keep it up.

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