
April 30th, 2010

Some days ago, the fellow blogger Kaar Baak started a campaign and send a questionnaire to the majority of EVE community developer with a big response. If you wanna ready my interview or one of the other devs check out his blog.

EvE Online Meta-Gaming: Meet the (Other) Devs #12 – DOTLAN

Preview of our interview:

What is name and current version of your app?
As DOTLAN EveMaps is a website there’s no real version number like in distributed programs. But even I’m doing all the work solo, I’m taking heavily use of SVN (subversion control system) to track my development and merge stuff from the dev trunk to the live page.
Current SVN Revision: 363 (March 2010)

How long have you been working on your app?
I first started in winter 2007 when I converted a PDF map of the region providence/catch into some PHP scripts which could generate his hand drafted map out of a database with regularly updates. Some weeks later I got the idea that such kind of a map would be useful for the complete eve player base and started to play around with JavaScript and SVG to build a map editor/generator. In July 2008 I finally released the first version of DOTLAN EveMaps which only contained maps, nothing else. In the past 1.75 years since the initial release the complete page got updated several times many features were added.

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