

10045th Logistics Battalion
Name 10045th Logistics Battalion
Ticker 10045
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Irish Blend
Members 6
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 205929635

Members [6]


u'\u2554\u255010045th Logistics Battalion\u2550\u2557
\u2560\u25ba Mining/Industrial
\u2560\u25ba Daily Mining/Complexes/Roaming Gangs
\u2560\u25ba Capital Ship construction
\u2560\u25ba High Sec Research POS
\u2560\u25ba Ventrilo
\u2560\u25ba No scamers or griefers
\u2560\u25ba Friendly gaming adults

Irish Blend

Sense of humor required
Join us and learn how to play EVE and have a good time doing it

Are you home from work?
Taking a break from the spouse and kids?
Most of our members are playing during the US time zones (EVE 2300 - 0400), have a job and want to relax with some other adults while gaming
Learn how to play EVE, run some missions or do some mining.
Whatever floats your boat, but make sure you enjoy these short few hours we get after work for some fun time.

1. No Ganking/Grieving/scamming
2. We really don\'t need a lot of rules, that is why we recruit adults
3. MMO addiction is serious - make sure you get away from the computer and do stuff with your family and friends
4. We have a high-sec research POS: cheap and fast research, copying and invention services

***** How to join us *****
Check us out, read up, ask questions, chat, fleet up, do missions or mining ops. Then when you decide you want to join us, do the following simple items:
1. Join the public chat channel 10045
2. Join the mailing list 10045-101
3. Download and log onto ventrilo and ask to be registered


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 20:47:49
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