

P R I M E Cloning Services
Name P R I M E Cloning Services
Ticker P.JCS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 104908340

Members [0]


Welcome to the PRIME Cloning Service!

Using advanced techonology and the finest in Gene manipulation equipment, we are able to clone a Capsuleer! this is however a service only Provided to the men and women in the PRIME alliance for the humble fee of:

2 000 000 ISK.
(Some corporations offer packages that includes FREE Jumpclones!)

The process works as follows:
1. Notefy your current corporation CEO/Director.
2. Leave your current corporation, and Apply to the P.JCS
3. In the Application, Write your current location.
4. Send the required ammount of ISK too P.JCS writing your corporation name under "reason"
5. Wait for aproval and a Mail on your closest Jump Clone facility.

Information on Jumpclones can be found HERE:

Any questions can be forwarded to:
alexander wulf

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-11-25 08:13:59
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