

Armed Traders of Shangri-La
Name Armed Traders of Shangri-La
Ticker SHLA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 7%
corporationID 1049486310

Members [0]


Hey yo, we're coming through,
My miners and I got a big order to filll,
I want all the ore in this field.
This chunk of ice ain't going no where,
I've lost track of the hours again.
I can't fight frigate only lvl 2,
to much ore, so much ice.
Nom Nom at the top of my dictionary
I'm the pure miner man
Pirate NPC ain't got nothing on me
3 belts just disapeered before my eyes
Patience is my game and it's this money to blame
Oh! I'll take your salvage to. :)

RRinc Beginers Miner Guide

This is the fastest way to train to fly a retriever as far as I can calculate:
Instant Recall I
Analytical Mind I
Learning I
Instant Recall II
Analytical Mind II
Learning II
Instant Recall III
Analytical Mind III
Instant Recall IV
Eidetic Memory I
Eidetic Memory II
Eidetic Memory III
Learning III
Analytical Mind IV
Logic I
Logic II
---------- Order past here does not matter.
Industry V
Mining IV
Science IV
Astrogeology IV
Mining Barge III

Approximate Cost to Train: 10 100 000.00 ISK
Approximate Time to Train: 9 days, 20 hours, 17 minuites.

Time to train assumes the default stats (INT: 8, PER: 8, CHA: 7, WIL: 8, MEM: 8) and no cybernetics.

+1 cybernetic implants (incluing the time to train Cybernetics I) decreses the required time to 9 days, 4 hours, 41 minuites.
+3 cybernetic implants decreases the required time to 8 days, 2 hours, 38 minuites.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2017-01-10 08:15:32
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