

104th Ranger Mobile Combat Regiment
Name 104th Ranger Mobile Combat Regiment
Ticker 104TH
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo FleetAdmiral Adama
Members 4
Tax Rate 8%
corporationID 1855262951

Members [4]


REACTIVATION NOTICE: As of 5/14/2017, the 104th is hereby reactived by order of FleetAdmiral Adama (do not email him), via KodiakR6 and Admiral Tintin. Email both of these individuals for further instructions and to express interest in joining or rejoining the 104th.

Motto: In Honor There Is Hope
: Your POC's are KodiakR6 and Admiral Tintin - email questions or LETTERS OF INTEREST to both of them for more info and instructions.

NOTE: We do not accept low SP pilots for any reason. You must have a clean Eve employment record, as well as references and be willing to surrender your API key for Personnel Background Checks.


The 104th Ranger Mobile Combat Regiment is being reactivated for high profile intensive combat operations in Null Sec space. The details of our plans are classified, but suffice it to say they are bold and will yield big results, including owning/controlling Null Sec.

Prior service, retired and currently serving US Armed Forces personnel are most welcome.

---> Minimum SP's: 8 to 10 Million SPs for combat pilots and other specialties. .
---> Miners, Builders and Industry are welcome but we prefer you apply to Nucleotide for those opportunities.

Commander is a retired U.S. Army Officer and psychologist in private practice. He has 27 years in the US Army and he is expecting promotion to Major General (2-Stars) within the next 2 to 3 years.

Member rank and authority will reflect in-game factors as well as verified military service records. A DD214 or Discharge Certificate will suffice as proof of rank and all branch ranks will be reflected in our personnel roster. There is a mandatory probationary period during which time your in-game history and other aspects will be vetted to ensure we have ONLY the top tier of players in our membership and Command Staff.

The 104th Ranger Division Command is fair-minded, mature and fun-focused. However, we do expect members to attend to REAL LIFE and FAMILY FIRST, before camping out in Eve.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 21:34:56
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