

Name Innevitability
Ticker INNTY
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1056601951

Members [0]


It is innevitable that from time to time you will lose a ship in new eden, its more innevitable that you will wnt a nice new
ship but cant build it becouse you dont have the skills.

Well why worry about the hassel of having to jump 10,20,30 systems to get a good deal why worry about not having the skills to fly it strait away and needing to get it hauled a way to your station in hight sec.

Why not let us build it and deliver it to you tec 1 or 2 ships prices are always competative and if we dont have it in stock we can get it to you within 7 days sometimes less.

INNTY PUB (public channel) someone is always on hand to help

keep smiling and have fun flying.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-02-04 14:32:33
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