

21st Eridani Lighthorse
Name 21st Eridani Lighthorse
Ticker 21EL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5.5%
corporationID 1063754110

Members [0]


Orca supported mining ops
Currently operating out of Gallente space.

Due to the release of Incarna, amongst other things, there is 1 active members of this corp. I can be found online between 01:30-03:30 EVE STANDARD (9:30PM-11:30PM EST) most days.

1) Play according to YOUR schedule...not ours.
2) As long as you're not doing something against our politics...have fun.
3) Don't hesitate to ask...there is no stupid question!
4) We ask that you not do or say something that could harm the corporations or alliance standings and reputation.
5) Did we mention have fun?
6) ???????
7) Profit.

...this ends the rules as written by Bruce. (not really, it was Fred the Wonder Llama.)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-04-18 04:53:42
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