

Natural Born Killrs
Name Natural Born Killrs
Ticker NBK
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1122484238

Members [0]


Corporations are based upon mutual protection and provisions and financial gain/superioty in militarristic and political cloath within the Relm of the Eve Community. They should provide you with the means of becoming the pilot you seek to become.

Corporations are your base of contact with other players of the game also and provide a community of other players worldwide to play this uniqu gaming experience. You 'the Player' are most welcome to join this corp and its humble beginnings.

We are now recruiting :

-Mission Runners
-Industrialists (+)
-PvPers (+)
-00 Access
-All pilots Welcome
Exp Players/Corps Welcome

We Are A Democracy We See You,
Not The Corps Achievements First,

As .. A Successful Corp Is Based Upon 'You' And Your Successful Advancement.

The biggest benefit to belonging to our corporation is mutual protection and shared resources.

Corporations give characters the option to join forces and enjoy the thrill of player-vs.-player interaction without losing security status. Corporation members also share a sense of brotherhood and camaraderie that solo players rarely experience. By pooling the resources and efforts of its members, corporations are able to build up their fleets and other holdings more quickly, putting some of the larger-scale strategic elements of the game within their grasp.

Best Regards


Office locations:

Isikemi (HQ)VI - Moon 5 - Caldari navy Logistic Support
Kaimon III - Moon 1 - Corporate Police Assemple Plant
Uemisaisen V - Moon - 5 Wiyrkomi Peace Corps Assembly Plant

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 15:56:33
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