

Name I.A.C
Ticker I.A.C
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1127568542

Members [0]


The I.A.C

Our Mission:

Our mission is a simple yet complex one. We strive to ensure we bring back the fun in New Eden.

We are focusing on the three PvE Factors:

- Mining
- Missioning
- Production (Manufacturing & Trade)

Following once we have a strong member base that are committed we will be opening the doors to our alliance small pvp roams.

Our Vision:

Our vision is:

- To see active growth in manageable ways
- Recruit Quality over Quantity
- Ensure our services we provide our members are fair, just and without your typical Drama.


IAC has a set price for all ore types (no minerals will be accepted for contract)

Veldspar - 7 isks / unit
Scrodite - 8.25 isks / unit
Pyroxeres - 17.50 isks / unit
Plagioclase - 17.50 isks / unit
Omber - 23.30 isks / unit
Kernite - 96.88 isks / unit
Jaspet - 100 isks / unit

(ABCD ore's purchased at 100% of market price due to rarity and difficulty of getting them)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-12-19 22:26:07
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