

z0r Industries
Name z0r Industries
Ticker -Z0R-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1136768641

Members [0]


A fun, mature, industrial group of people interested in making a solid team of miners, manufacturers, salvagers, and merchants for a self-sufficent, prosperous Corporation. We are Recruiting all people with likeminded goals. We are looking for all Industrial fields, as well as building, and maintaining the Corporate Defense Force (CDF) for securing low-sec Operations.

We are looking for:
Miners, Industrialists, Mission Runners, Industrial Logisitcs, PvP Capable Pilots.

What we have to Offer:
>Mature, solid Leadership
>Mining Operations in Lowsec/0.0 space
>Strong Alliance with Capital Ship capabilities, POS's etc
>Alliance Killboards (although primarily a Industrial alliance)
>Corp Owned POS in Low-sec for Mining/ratting
>Very Industrious alliance market at better than regular market prices
>Eventual expansion into 0.0 space for rare mining and ratting.
>Ability to make ISK via our Ore contracts Program.
>>>2 Mil SP requirement<<<

Our info:
-Non-Pirate Corp
-Based in Gelhan, Ammatar Space (Quiet, Secure, Miner friendly space)
-US times, but will be on and around during EU times as well.
-Decent member base
-Knowledeable Officers, with many connections to help you!
-We are not accepting any further trials, and applicants must be past the Trial period mark (14 Days), 2mil SP Required for basic understanding of the game.

All we require is that you have a drive to succeed and in doing that, helping the corp make its way to being a noteworthy Industrial Corp.

CEO: Texcoyo
-Chief Division Director: Joe Kaperski
--Corporate Defense Force Division: Blnukem 192
--Industrial Division Chief: DukeSerranova
Recruitment Officer, "z0r Ores Programs" Contract Sales Point of Contact: Joe Kaperski

Diplomat: Texcoyo

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2009-11-11 15:59:34
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