

Ministry of Industry
Name Ministry of Industry
Ticker MI.IN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 12.5%
corporationID 1185295504

Members [0]


Specializing in providing products for the Eve markets throughout the universe Ministry of Industry is a technology leader. Strategically headquartered in the Domain region, however our operations also take place in nearby regions as our line of work to build and maintain markets takes us all over the universe.

We are a growing industrial corporation and we need your skills to complement our industrial workforce. We are also seeking out like-minded corporations for mergers into Ministry of Industry to boost the industrial and combat capabilities for the prosperity of all participating pilots.

Our corporation is looking for pilots in all time zones, interested in all aspects of Eve:
• Industry & Trade
• Planetary Commodity Producers
• Incursions
• PvP
• Missions (All Levels)

We are a laid-back, friendly, helpful and trust-worthy corporation that is looking for like-minded individuals from all different time zones to round-out corporate activities during all times of the day.

We Offer:
• Corporate Website with Forum
• Corporate Mining and Roaming Ops
• Builders Program
• Blueprint library for veteran members
• POS access

Recruitment is currently | CLOSED |

Recruitment will remain open to applicants until we hit our recruitment goal for a cycle. Once we reach that goal, open recruitment closes, and training commences. After that point, recruitment will be limited - by referral from existing members only until the next recruitment cycle.

• No trial accounts. Since we only wish to accept dedicated players who have already decided to stay in game for some time, we do not accept trial accounts for membership. Players on trial accounts are welcome to join on mining and mission operations and hang out in our public chat channel. Should any new player have questions regarding the game, one of our members would be glad to assist.
• You must be older than 18 years old, or able to make us think you are.
• A functioning microphone. The last step in the application process is the voice interview conducted in game with eve voice. If you don’t have a microphone, you must have one by then. When operating in a fleet, voice is always mandatory.
• Ability to function in 0.0 space exposure or the willingness to learn.
• Willingness to become involved in PvP (everyone is expected to defend and fight; industrialists should have at least one combat alt.)
• Willingness to work with others members and the corporation.
• Limited API Check

With a set of over one thousand BPO’s, corporation-owned research/manufacturing facilities, Orca supported mining fleets; your industrial skills will be an asset to the corporation’s growing production capabilities.

Is Industry not your forte? We are also looking for pilots capable of all other activities in New Eden; Mission/Anomaly/Complex-runners, PVP’ers etc. are all very welcome in our corporation to complement our member base to provide a wide range of corporate activity, help defend our corporate assets and protect our future null-sec industrial operations.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 07:03:53
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