

CCMI Gallente Division
Name CCMI Gallente Division
Ticker .CCMI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1208609534

Members [0]


CCMI (Celestial Construction and Mining Industries) Is dedicated to the production and aquisition of technological combat and industrial assets.

We pride ourselves in our ability to convince our members that working themselves to death is good for them, And have enough bennifit's and support programs to make sure noone notices when the odd member dies from a ship construction accident or is accidentaly cut in half by a mineing laser....

Our Combat fleet, The Black Arrows is one of the finest fleets to roam space. So junked up on boosters and stems that most of them dont even notice when they are dead, and continue to fight anyway, Ramming their ships into the enemies vessal in a kamakazi fashion and setting off their ships nucleor payload destroying themselves and anyone in a 25km proximity.

One of their favorite mottos is "If I have to die, Im going to take all of you with me"

Our National Guard or "Praetorian Guard" members are no less experianced in combat, generaly made up of seasoned vets in their older seasons. They enjoy a fine time ratting and missioning, Escorting Freighters and protecting mineing fleets.

Dont let this fool you though, They are every bit as capable as the Black Arrows at disperseing life from the universe especialy since most of them used to be such. And when the homesystems are attacked, they do just that.

Beyond all this however CCMI strives to make itself a family, putting the whole before the individual, encouraging support from all members to each other.

Unlike many corporations in EvE, CCMI revels in the Ideas and insights of even the lowest members. Every idea is listened to carefuly, wieghed and discussed by the Directors and Officers alike. If the Idea can be used or in some way made to be used it is.

This in Fact is how several members obtained their current positions in the Corp, Who better to head a project than its creator?

* CCMI offers items made by the corp to its members at a 25% discount from lowmarket value, this includes All Ships and Modules currently availible to the corp.

* Each new member (Non-Alt) recieves a ship worthy of their skill level after being in the corp for at least one month. (Yes this means if you can pilot a Dreadnaught, if one is availible the corp will supply you with one.) You will also recieve a Ship when you join depending on your skills and professions or wants.

* Ships Lost in Ops are replaced. And Generaly Corporate ships are used for ops so there is no risk of you looseing your own ship. But these corporate ships must be returned to the corp after the opp.

* Members are payed for their time and service to the corp, Both industrial and Combat pilots depending on ships and ops which they participate in.

* Special rewards are availible to those who selflessly volunteer for their corps needs.

* Special events are held and rewards given depending on the event.

* Individual Mineing/pay Program for those who are unable to participate in Ops.

* Weekly Mineing and generaly Daily PvP ops.

* Stock Market and Shareholding

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2009-12-09 06:14:21
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