

Reed Mining and Excavations Inc.
Name Reed Mining and Excavations Inc.
Ticker RMEI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 121833366

Members [0]


Recent News Report:

‘Due to recent scandal and the accidental spill of Enriched Uranium on Joramok V and the ongoing litigation between Reed Mining and the native peoples there, that company will be closing its doors and filing for Bankruptcy, with its company coffers now mysteriously empty.

The company CEO will not be making a public statement, but was heard to tell investors that “Ignorance was our bliss” and “it was fun while it lasted”. He was then seen leaving the company’s headquarters by helicopter (his staff carrying large and heavy looking duffle bags) and is believed to be at his pleasure retreat on Sortet IV.

Rumors of pandemonium at the previously successful corporation are rampant, and flames have been seen coming for the windows, and bodies tumbling from the roof.

A Native tribe leader from Joramok V has been quoted saying “The Gods have smited Reed Mining for their blasphemy” and the tribe medicine man saying “We need your intestines to wash away the evil spirits”

This Station’s correspondence crew has not been heard from in some time. Anyone with information is encouraged the call the authorities.’

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 06:23:48
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