

Name Violent.N.tent
Ticker V.INT
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1219736570

Members [0]


~~~~~~~~~~Come learn the joys of PVP and low-Sec~~~~~~~~~~
Skillpoints required to join : NONE ! ! !

Reason: Im willing to teach you how to PVP and enjoy the yarr. Even if new i can use a frig pilot.

Also : Dont worry about goin flashy i have ways of getting you what u need from empire :)
I am just looking for ppl interested in PVP. I will be running small roams thro low sec. Newbies will be required to first go thro scanner, and overview training first to participate. Best way to learn is by doing it, trial and error makes perfect.

I truly have passion for low sec pvp and all i wanna do is get back to the roots of piracy. Frig and cruiser gangs. When bigger fleets or bigger ships are needed tho i am well equipped to handle that with my Fc'ing and BS skills.

Anyone wanting fun, fast paced, small scale pvp should definately apply.

Keep in mind this corp is new and still in the growing phases but i have high goals and amazing ambitions. Trust me if u join and experience the pvp thrill of low sec u will be addicted to it.
MSG: Ownzone or Zohl if u have any questions, thank you, and btw YARRR ! ! !

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 09:42:57
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