

Warp-drive Association Securitas Pretorians
Name Warp-drive Association Securitas Pretorians
Ticker WA-SP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 6%
corporationID 124213817

Members [0]


â•‘----Warp-Drive Association Securitas Praetorians----â•‘

The corp aims to give you as little or as much help as you would like, to allow you to develop your full Eve capsular potential.
We wish to do this as we realise it helps all of us, to help you.

Help we can provide at present shown below.

Initial Entrant Benefits
☼ Member of a friendly helpful alliance

☼ Eligibility for all members to debating forum
Aimed to maximise representation of all members view points

☼ One man one vote entitlement on corp policy decisions
The more peeps that have a say, the more reprehensive of its members, the corp becomes. We believe this will lead to a more accurate representation of the corp, that could be seen by others who may wish to help us.

☼ Access to support programs for new entrants
We have already trained and developed our toons skills and assets, so we recognise the potential benefits for those who could gain the most from access to training and support. This benefits us but also other corps in an unselfish way, as the pool of skilled players all corps can access, potentially expands.

☼ Monthly equal profit share payments for active members
Everyone's efforts, no mater what role they perform, contribute to the effectiveness of the corps operations. If one role is under valued or receives under investment, the negative effects radiate through the whole corp, and decreases its total effectiveness, so an enumeration element of our rewards and benifits policies recognise this.

☼ Orca mining support
Documented resource locations for obtaining ice etc
Aiding the corps industrial minded capsuleers

☼ Up to lvl 4 combat mission availability, *lvl 5 possible on request and subject to feasibility study.
DED and WH exploration operation availability.
Aiding the corps PVE and industrial minded capsuleers

☼ Access to shared entrants hanger
Sharing the tools needed to carry out your activities

Full Member Benefits

As above +

☼ Access to career advancement paths for members seeking responsibility
Some prefer to take a back seat, but for those that don't.

☼ Relaxed positions for those with R/L or non corp commitments
For those that feel there is more to life or the game we appreciate the contributions you make in other ways.

☼ Access to Player Owned Research laboratory
Due to resource allocation restrictions, this is dependant on corp role.
Though as the corp grows so does the availibility of resources.

☼ Access to shared full members hanger
Access to more advanced technologies for those that have demonstrated a commitment to the ideals of the corp.

☼ Rights and privileges associated with career progression
Specialised or increased responsibilities and increased asset access permissions

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-05-07 01:11:50
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