

Zantiu-Braun Corporation
Name Zantiu-Braun Corporation
Ticker ZBCO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 11%
corporationID 1269001434

Members [0]


Zantiu-Braun Alliance is an independent entity engaging in the practice of asset realization through it's many different forms.

We support emergent gameplay in all it's many forms, from ganking to bumping, and therefore fully endorse and support the activities of the New Order of Highsec.

Should you have a diplomatic inquiry, or any sort of inquiry for the matter, you should contact either Khoda Khan or Aria Stane. It is important to note, however, that the result of said contact will be totally random depending upon the mood of our management team and may or may not result in an outcome that you wanted unless the outcome you wanted is in line with what the management team felt like doing at the time.

The Zantiu-Braun Alliance's policy on standings is, also, a bit random. Standings are also a matter of diplomacy for us and, as such, the matter of setting standings starts with contacting a member of the aforementioned alliance management team. The outcome of said contact is also governed by the same set of probabilities that governs the aforementioned standard diplomatic contact. As a reminder, it can be, and most likely will be, very random.

We actively pursue a Shoot Whatever The Heck We Feel Like Assuming We Feel Like Shooting It (SWTHFLAWFLSI) engagement policy in all non-secure areas of space. If you're neutral to us, we may shoot you. If you're blue to use, we may shoot you too. If you're red, we may also shoot at you. Or, in all of the above cases we could totally decide to ignore you. It's really hard to say what may happen at any given time. All that you need to know is that we're very random about who we decide to shoot at and who we don't shoot at. And this behavior is encouraged amongst our pilots except for instances where it is deeped proper to not encourage said behaviour.

Alliance Executor: Khoda Khan

Diplomatic Contacts; Khoda Khan, Aria Stane

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-05-13 08:05:03
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