

Red Eagle Industries
Name Red Eagle Industries
Ticker R-E-I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 1294994824

Members [0]


Want to join a small, active industrial corporation? Look no further than REI!

Requirements are simple:
- 2 million SP minimum
- You must not be on a trial account. If you ARE on a trial account, you must have plans and a definite means of subscribing to the game. If you're unsure of whether or not you will (or can) subscribe, I cannot accept your application.
- We need people who are active. We understand that sometimes life gets in the way and you might not be able to log on for a week or two, but please try to be on as often as you can.
*Though technically not required, it would be very helpful if you could provide limited API keys. In the case of newer players, this will help us keep track of what skills you already have and make it easier for us to give you advice on what you should train next.

Some benefits are as follows:
- We are willing to take the time and effort to help teach people new to the game about various things, though we're obviously most knowledgeable in industry.
- We have access to lowsec along with the protection of an alliance that we are a member of.
- We will help pay for equipment that you may need and you get a cut of every single operation. If you lose a ship during an operation, we will help to pay for your expenses.

If you are interested, please contact ExpendableHero or Shazrun or place an application at our office.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2009-11-11 16:07:53
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