

Ticker LYCOS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1305637886

Members [0]


Stormfront J.U.N.T.A.

We are and EvE alliance and we are also an online gaming community known as the Stormfront Junta Gaming Clan (SJGC).

S.J.G.C. Mission

The S.J.G.C. is a home for mature, thoughtful and focused individuals who value competitive play with good sportsmanship. As an community we emphasize fair play, EULA adherence, loyalty to the clan, open finances, self-reliance and building a structure that caters to adult players. The community is primarily made up of older members with families, obligations, careers and needs outside of gaming. Demographics place our average age at thirty-something with a ranges of 21 to 65. We are casual in our obligations, low on "mandatory" events, yet we focus on providing constructive, frequent and specific activities for our members. We have created an organization with a program for every play style from combat (PvE), to Industry, Science and combat (PvP). Our leaders are aware of the time and effort needed to build a great organization. We are committed from top to bottom to being organized and achieving goals; the right way, with the right people, for mutual enjoyment of the game.

JUNTA Mission & Goals

Our organizational goal in EvE is to build our own independent nation-state in the unsecured regions of space and be capable of competing economically, politically and militarily with or against other alliances in EvE. The goal is ambitious, which provides a wide sandbox to play in, and providing a multi-focal approach to the game. Our secondary goal is to grow organically through the organization. We are keeping our alliance (Stormfront J.U.N.T.A.) closed to outside corps and JUNTA will be operated by the SJGC. We are developing a multi-corp system to accommodate specific goals, build redundant deep leadership and provide a focus for individual play styles. This approach will provide plenty of leadership opportunities as we grow. All this as we focus on adult, mature, friendly, helpful personalities to fill our ranks.

Corps in the Alliance

Stormfront A.W. (-SAW-)

-SAW- was the first corp founded by SJGC and acts as our hub corp from which most activities originate. -SAW- is transitioning into an industrial corp where the primary focus will be mining, building, and trading. The corp will also continue to act as our new player development corp until LYCOS goes live.

Stormfront S.A.X. (-SAX-)

-SAX- is the home for lab jockeys and starbase fuelers. -SAX- operates the alliances starbase network and maintains the lab services for the alliance.

Lyceum of Storms (LYCOS)

LYCOS will be our future academy corp for new players looking to develop their skills and learn the game.

Stormfront B.O.A. (-BOA-)

-BOA- has experienced pilots and good teachers, willing to develop players who want to explore pvp. Our goal is to provide small fleet, fast gang roaming pvp in low sec and 0.0 regions. -BOA- will also handle PvP defense for the Stormfront J.U.N.T.A. alliance as needed. Finances are augmented with missioning, ratting and exploration. -BOA- is open to anyone interested in developing combat capabilities and experiencing pvp.

Requirements to Join

- Work in Area of Operations
- Mature Attitude
- Good Communications
- Team Player
- English Speaking
- Ventrilo Highly Preferred
- Minimum Age 21
- Friendly, Helpful, Tolerant

Join the in-game channel JUNTA to discuss an application

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2009-11-29 00:00:47
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