

We are Fated
Name We are Fated
Ticker LINNA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 25%
corporationID 1319137571

Members [0]


Fated has existed fsince 2003 in games ranging from Aion, AoC, WoW and SWG to WAR. We are a very diverse group looking to expand here in EVE.

Proud member of TSI!

We have had dozens of members play EVE for years, and we are now organizing together as a whole, as well as agressively recruiting any and all people of worth in the following categories:

-Mission Runners/plexers
-PvPers who don't mind some agressive missioning between wardecs
-New players looking for a place to figure the game out(though you will have to commit to us in the long term)

We do not tolerate scamming, griefing or harassment in any form.

Include limited API in application, as well as basic information about yourself.

Give us a try! We don't bite...

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-09-28 22:22:58
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API J:20 Mar 15:41 K:20 Mar 15:36 C:20 Mar 16:21 A:20 Mar 16:00 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:20 Mar 16:05 S:20 Mar 15:41 W:20 Mar 16:15