

Valerian Steel Inc.
Name Valerian Steel Inc.
Ticker VINCS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 1393410682

Members [0]


Valerian Steel is an industrial-focused corporation based in the Sinq Laison region. Up until recently we functioned purely as an Alt POS research outfit but we've decided to become an independent Corporation in our own right. Being a relatively new corporation means we are focusing on expanding and consolidating the Corp to offer more benefits to our members. We consider ourselves to be completely self-reliant and have already launched our own manufacturing and research facilities.

Our first stage in developing ourselves into an effective entity is to focus on five main areas:

★ Mining
★ Industry
★ Commerce
★ Research
★ Mission Running

What is expected of members?

Members do not have to join in any corp operations if they don't want to. We do like people to at least say hello in corp chat though. Also members should not flip cans, ninja salvage, provoke fights, or engage in smacktalk in local. We prefer not to have to fend off five simultaneous wardecs at once if we can avoid it, thanks.

Who can join?

All time zones and experience levels are welcome, but there are a few conditions:

We don't engage in piracy of any sort and so we will not consider anyone with a negative Security Status. You can be a new or an experienced Pilot although we do prefer it if you complete the 5 career chains tutorials. We are particularly looking for Miners, Missioners, Traders and Explorers as well as Industrialists.

In the end though, it´s all about being able to help each other out, work towards goals we can only achieve by working as a team, and most importantly it's about having fun.

If you are interested in joining Valerian Steel, or just have a few questions, then pop into the Valerian Steel Open channel for a chat.

If you are thinking of joining us then go to

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 08:02:31
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