

13th Drunken Loyalists
Name 13th Drunken Loyalists
Ticker 13DL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Denjac
Members 3
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1689388596

Members [3]


You must be at least this drunk to be this loyal.

Corp motto: "If your drunk, and it seems like a good idea, it is!"

Some people have way to much of their self esteem tied up in this game, whereas, it could be argued, that we have way to little.

Bonzair > I asked if he was at the gate, not if he was gay!
[04:44:45] Latsooi > 13DL checklist: 1. are you drunk? 2. does it seem like a good plan right now? 3. did you not think about potential consequences? 4. did you answer yes to 1-3? 5. Go for it! it's a great fucking plan
Mizu Kitsune > Cause I bring the party... to your mouth!
Recruitment: Open
Sign up and be somebody with the 13th Drunken Loyalists!
Get the Thrasher!!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 21:10:46
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