

Blackened Suns
Name Blackened Suns
Ticker BSUNS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
URL http://Coming_Soon
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1423823975

Members [0]


Blackened Suns is a long-standing training corporation which acts as a gateway directly into several larger corporations. IIts specificly useful depending upon which aspects the individual has interest. We believe that strength of character, positive interaction, and honorable social prtocol can advance one farther than piracy or greivence.

Its mission is to provide a platform from which new players may may enter or further explore the Eve universe with training, support, guidance, and decency.

We would like to recruit those who wish to learn as well as those who like to teach; those who need help, as well as those who find it satisfying to provide assistance to others; but generally we hope for both qualities in all applicants.

We will help train in any non-scumbag aspect of Eve Online.

Ships will be provided dependeing on need and merit. profit sharing is available. There are no forced Corp-Ops... Until its pays hard cash, Eve iremains a game, not a job.

Apply to Tura Lei (CEO and Chairman)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-03-08 08:20:37
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API J:22 Feb 18:57 K:22 Feb 18:43 C:22 Feb 19:23 A:22 Feb 19:22 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Feb 18:59 S:22 Feb 18:35 W:22 Feb 19:13