

Command Center
Name Command Center
Ticker CMD.C
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1438569485

Members [0]


Command Center [CMD.C] is committed to our responsibility of conducting our activities in a manner that preserves EVE universe against piracy and protects the industry and safety of our members, friends, and allies. We believe that safe and universe-friendly operations are key to the long-term sustainability of our trade and industry.

Consistent with our belief, we will strive to comply with the rules and regulations relevant to the promotion of anti-piracy and safety of our universe. We will continue to adopt appropriate operational procedures, provide the necessary resources and visible management support, and involve our members in all related endeavors.

And to ensure that we live up to these commitments, we have set stringent standards against which we will measure our performance. On this basis, we will formulate strategies to continuously improve the way we conduct our operations and activities.

• Combat
• Mining
• Mission Running
• Incursions
• Manufacturing
• Planetary Interaction
• Trade
• Exploration
• Logistics

Recruitment by invitation only.


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2020-04-18 20:43:58
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