

Headhunters Salvage Inc
Name Headhunters Salvage Inc
Ticker H-S-I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
URL //...
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 1451765893

Members [0]


Headhunters Salvage Inc was founded by a group of like-minded individuals as a mission running and salvage focused corporation. We began running low level wormholes, and advancing our industrial efforts. Over time, our core group of younger pilots has been transformed into steeled warriors, able to blend into the shadows of space iteself and strike without a moments notice.
We have become able to survive in some of the most hostile of environments in all New Eden, from ravenous wormholes and spatial anomolies, to desolated null-sec warzones.
HSI's policy towards the aggresion of neutrals in wormhole space has always been KOS.
To a Headhunter, New Eden is a vast expanse of space to explore, a massive cruicible in which to test ourselves. While we are able to enjoy and profit from peace, we are prepared for long and costly war.
Recently, the Sansha have used new technology to raid all of the 4 empires with new wormhole generators. We at HSI stand firm against this menance, and vow to patrol Caldari space for signs of the Sansha threat, and render aid to our allies in amarr space whenever possible.
Recruitment closed.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-08-02 22:13:14
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