

Corsair Forgeworks Inc
Name Corsair Forgeworks Inc
Ticker CORSF
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1482747435

Members [0]



Bred on the fringe of Ammatar space, in the growing penumbra of conflict between vast and mighty empires the men of Corsair Forgeworks embarked on a long journey through the void of New Eden. Daring men of enterprise, they have cast aside ancient quarrels of race and religion in favour of a company bound by honour, a common sense of duty, a keen eye for commerce and a knowing smirk.



A Corsair is expected to drink up, make merry and have a glib tongue. A Corsair without question flies on the wing of his brethren first when called, builds trade relationships and business partners from within the Corporation and seeks opportunity at every turn. A Corsair is expected to be a leader, divulge experience to junior members, and to fly with integrity.

A Corsair goes down with his ship ... and a Corsair fights to the last.

What a Corsair is NOT:

"how do i use a survey scanner to pull this asteroid into my cargo hold? tractor beam needed?"

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 08:45:16
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