

Rheinmetall Waffe Munition
Name Rheinmetall Waffe Munition
Ticker RM-WM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1497215119

Members [0]


Rheinmetall Waffe Munition, embodies the Weapons and Munitions division of the Rheinmetall Corporation.

Rheinmetall Waffe Munition specializes in the development and production of large calibre weapon systems and ammunition, including (for example) the main armament of the Naglfar and the Phoenix, the Universe's top-performing Dreadknoughts and the X-large ammunition for these Capital Ships.

Recruitment: "OPEN'
Recruitment Channel: DAMAGE|-|RECRUITMENT
Public Channel: DAMAGE|-|PUBLIC

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-01-29 06:19:20
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