

pSyChOTIC CareBears
Name pSyChOTIC CareBears
Ticker BEMAD
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1519925863

Members [0]


Ahoy Matey! Hoist the Black Flag!

Violence was done to you, a happy oblivous carebear. Time and time again evil people put very big, very bad things into you and your ship. Time and time again u were destroyed, podded, broken into submission. Slowly your carebear facade was broken. No longer could you take the pain, the abuse, the shame. In that instant a new creature was born. Not a pirate, certainly not an anti-pirate, you have a strong desire to kill - to cause pain, you are... psychotic, raving mad, a lunatic with a gun ready to take on all of EVE and them some. Welcome to the pychosis, welcome to the maddess. Today a new psychotic carebear has been born.

We're on the lookout for care bears who've had enough. Care bears who are ready to get in big ass ships, equip some big ass guns, and perpetrate foul and unspeakable deeds upon their fellow man.

We got the ballz to back up our words up with suicidual mania and lethal firepower, cause:
...we're the ones that popped ur ass while you were mining in that *safe* exploration spot. We even blew up your can full of gneiss just for the heck of it
...we're the ones who commited those most unseemly acts on your corpse, laughing and tossing it between ourselves ;)
...we're the guys that ripped your rigged indy to shreds after you paid our ransom; we even podded ya for good measure
...we're the ones that war'dec'ed ur pathetic empire corp. Ya we used to be just like you, but now we're gonna murder u without mercy, regret, or solace. There is no blue pill dumbass.
...we' mad
...we' insane
...we' be truly psychotic and we's a'coming for you ;p

Right now we're recruiting fighter pilots and those looking to drop the care bear mantle and become crazed killing machines. There's currently no SP requirement to join, and actively used alts are allowed, but trial accounts are not. We also accept miners and industrialists who are also willing to take up arms. Carebears however, need not apply, and any members found to be living the carebear lifestyle will be popped, podded and given the swift boot of explusion.

We're currently in talks to switch over to a more PvP oriented alliance with a stable foothold in 0.0, opening up new avenues of power, richess and mayhem!

All those interested should get in touch with with either xilithia or xartarous.

We *do not* believe in peace, but we do believe in superior, overwheming, oh my GAWD!! firepower!!!

-- Currently a *Not* So Proud Member of Brightspark Alliance --

The Inverse is true......
You shouldn't have read this....Maddess is catching.....

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2012-11-12 08:09:07
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