

Ferra Aurea
Name Ferra Aurea
Ticker FERRI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
URL http://
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1535690025

Members [0]


The Corporation will provide for those committed enough to earn, learn, and help the Corporation, in the form of weapons, ships and modules required to fly them.

++ Recruiting OPEN ++

Our current Goals:
We want a place to call our own. In other words a POS. A place to plant our corp and grow stronger! A place to Call Home.

A military force strong enough to defend all corp interest any where, at anytime. Whether it be defending our mining assets or home space, a force to be respected throughout the galaxy.

Have a mining force more then able to suppply the ores and fuel needs of a growing future empire.

Have a industry base able to fill any and all orders and needs of the corp.

Upcoming Goals:
☼ Build our pvp members.
☼ Acquire new, dedicated members.
☼ Make money, and build a tight-knit community

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-04-15 06:20:05
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API J:22 Feb 15:57 K:22 Feb 15:43 C:22 Feb 16:00 A:22 Feb 16:09 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:22 Feb 15:58 S:22 Feb 15:50 W:22 Feb 15:13