

Eve Personal Security Service
Name Eve Personal Security Service
Ticker EPSS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1559067705

Members [0]


So you show intrest in our corperation well you wont be disapointed, here you will find a friendly helpfull enviorment with pilots who are trustworthy and willing to assist you. We want pilots who have decent knowledge of the game and have decent ships (with the skills to fly the effectively). EPSS also wants pilots with combat expeirience (you need to know how to fight pirates and some will need to know PvP as well), We are a strictly by the book corperation we offer protection to miners for a nominal fee that depends on site security (lower security cost more) also employment is isk by the hour. Prices are determined by average miner income an hour, ie. 0.4 @ 10% = 2.5mil (these prices are subject to change, each sector with lower sceurity is 5% higher then the one before with the exception of 0.0 space thats 50%-75% negotiable)

--- Fee List --- - - - - - ---Current Price---
0.5 = 5% .-------------- --- 1,000,000 ISK
0.4 = 10% -------------- --- 2,500,000 ISK
0.3 = 15% -------------- --- 3,500,000 ISK
0.2 = 20% -------------- --- 5,000,000 ISK
0.1 = 25% -------------- --- 7,500,000 ISK
0.0 = 50%-75% .- - - - --- 25,000,000 ISK +

Pm me and I'll send someone closest to you... unless you ask for someone specific then if they are not assigned then you will recieve them (response time may vary)

60% of the cost is given to the officer opon completion of the specified task, the miner will have to notify me that the task has been completed. once you have joined check the bulletins for more info about rules and punishments.

Mon-Fri: 4pm-10pm
Sun: 10am-10pm
Sat: 10am-8pm

WE NOW EXCEPT MINERS AND HAULERS - still no tax just donate once in a while so we can continue to expand

No refunds... I advise higly against null sec mining unless its friendly corp area...

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2014-06-04 09:39:58
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