

Farsight Systems
Name Farsight Systems
Ticker F-SYS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1560812733

Members [0]


Welcome to Farsight Systems, an Industrial Corporation of Omega Vector Alliance.

We are Miners, Industrialists, Researchers, Combat Pilots, Explorers and Hauliers. If you want to live a life of gathering, production, riches and commerce then you can help us improve this highly successful and profitable corporation and fly with a dynamic team of skilled pilots.

We are recruiting Miners, Manufacturers, Explorers, Mission Runners and Haulers to expand Farsight Systems. We will offer weekly Large Scale Mining Operations, Ship and Ammo Production, Training and Security in a friendly, non-Pirate environment. Is this community something for you? Apply now and secure your future in New Eden.

Farsight Systems - building the future of New Eden so you don't have to.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2010-12-24 14:22:41
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