

The Angelic Hierarchy
Name The Angelic Hierarchy
Ticker ARCHS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1562699829

Members [0]


Hey guys, thanks for checking out my Info tab on my corp! I am restarting this corp, so I need active, mature, and pvp oriented players, willing to help rebuild this corp from a long vacation. Real life always comes first. I have a job, and a life,, you probably do too, but if EVE is your life and your job, well then join me :) We aren't here to Dominate EVE, or get the highest members in EVE, we are here to relax, have fun, and pop some ships after our long day of work, (Great stress relief).

-PvP-ers are a must
-10mil sp required
-Blank Application will be declined
-Minmatar Space
-Low sec Pos's
-Low sec Systems Alliance Supervised
-ARCHS Public Channel for chats

Looking for Active players

Recruiting now!
Contact Archemus Duelaxus

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2013-07-15 08:14:29
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