Name |
15th Fleet |
Ticker |
15F |
Alliance |
- |
Faction |
- |
Ceo |
Jansung Raddekh Sinulf |
Members |
6 |
URL | |
Tax Rate |
10% |
corporationID |
98458984 |
Members [6]
u'Welcome to the 15th Fleet.
"The war we are facing today, against terrorism, is a multifaceted fight. We have to use every tool in our toolkit to wage this war - diplomacy, finance, intelligence, law enforcement, and of course, military power - and we are developing new tools as we go along." \u2014-Richard Armitage.
The 15th Fleet is a PMC offering specialized services related to defense of the Minmatar Republic. We are in need members to fill every aspect of warfare, and we are also looking for positions to be filled in industry and other important roles to keep the effort moving. The goal is to be an independent force, that will also support and defend the Minmatar Republic. We will come for our people.
Currently invite only. DM Jansung Sinulf or 15th Fleet Recruiting Channel for consideration.
Conditions for membership:
1. Must be at least 18 years of age. Maturity includes thinking, dignity and respect, of self and others.
2. We will accept all nationalities, but English is the main language.
3. Must join with primary character.
4. RL comes first, but please try to be active. Try to let us know if you\'ll be away.
5. Have discord, with a mic.
6. Confirmed awoxers not allowed.
7. Personal things are just that. Check \'em at the door.
8. You must have an account, and schedule an interview.
9. Don\'t be an asshole. Tough love may be needed, but don\'t hit for the sake of it.
10. Only stupid question is one unasked, but try to figure it out first.
11. No new toons. You must have some time in the game.
Rules to live by:
1. If it moves, shoot it.
2. If it doesn\'t move, poke it with your turret and then shoot it.
3. If it\'s not moving, shoot it anyway, it might move later.
4. If it starts moving, Jam it, shoot it and call for back-up.
5. When you are sure it is dead, shoot it again.
6. When in doubt, shoot It!
7. Just because it breathes doesn\'t mean it should.
8. Overkill works.
9. If all is going well, it\'s an ambush. If it seems like a trap, it is.
10. If all else fails - get revenge!
11. The important things are always simple.
12. The simple things are always hard.
13. The easy way is always mined.
14. If you are short of everything except enemy, you are in combat.
15. Never bring a knife to a gun fight, unless you also...
16. Bring a gun,
17. Bring another gun,
18. Bring friends... with many guns.
19. Loss and death are part of life. Make the other guy suffer that more.
20. To err is human. To forgive is not fleet policy.
21. A solid plan now is better than a perfect plan next week.
22. Keep building, refine as you operate.
23. Quality is a great, numbers arguably are better.
24. Don\'t use things you can\'t afford to loose.
25. It\'s better to fly thrifty like a pro, than go broke flying a billion quid of scrap just to look cool.
26. Leave the super blingy stuff for running missions, HiSec, or sold on market.
27. It\'s fine to give peace a chance. Just stay strapped in case it doesn\'t work.
28. Always remember your weapon was made by the lowest bidder.
29. That being said, the most effective weapon is the one you have on you.
30. For diplomatic solutions: launch it.
31. Teamwork is essential, it gives the enemy somebody else to shoot at.
32. Never draw fire, it irritates everyone around you.
33. If it\'s stupid and it works, it\'s not stupid.
34. Anything you do, can get you shot, including nothing.
35. The only thing more accurate than enemy incoming fire, is friendly fire.
36. Always a lesson to learn from a storm. If you\'re smart, you will learn it and succeed.'
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 23:43:53