

In Arduis Fidelis
Name In Arduis Fidelis
Ticker -FU2-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 1619410542

Members [0]


- In Arduis Fidelis (Faithful in Adversity) -

- FU2 -

We are relaxed group of "nut bags" of all races and all ages. Our interests are a PvP corp, yeah sure we carebear sometimes for ISKies but we can offer old and new players some good advice. We are always looking for both new and old pilots to join our corporation.

What we offer new players:
- Skill point plans, Ship fitting assistance, Advice and support, Mission running

and to experienced players:
- No obligations to participate in corp OP's, Your time online is your time
- Support, if you need it, WH op's, Low Sec op's, PvP, PVE

What we expect from new players:
- Te be courteous to other Blue Standing Players

OMFG, you have prolly just been invited/recruited to one of the Best Corps in EVE, an easy going CEO who just wants for corpies to have a laugh and start enjoying the social side of EVE, sure we have non-mandatory OPS but you can be assured to have the time of your life.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2011-06-18 08:34:16
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