

Decus Ships and Systems
Name Decus Ships and Systems
Ticker DSS.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo EVE System
Members 0
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 1628721771

Members [0]


Currently Accepting Applications for Miners, Haulers, and Combat Pilots

Our #1 Goal is to have fun and grow in character and as friends

New Players Encouraged and Welcome to join!

Fast Advancement for qualified personel.
Team work is a must.
No SP Limits
Mentoring into EVE.
POS Access
0.0 Access
Contact Hirakii Garishu for Details.

True Sight Industries


Our missles, who art in launchers
Hallowed be thy payload
Thy warhead come
Our enemies be done
In low sec
As it is in Empire
Give us this day
Our daily gank
And forgive us our Warp Jammers
As we won't forgive those who use them against us
And lead us not into bubbles,
But deliver us from scramblers
For thine is the thermal,
The explosive,
And the kinetic

-*-The Caldari

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2009-11-11 16:23:43
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